Company: Jolly & Son (Holding) Ltd

Registration number:

Company name: Jolly & Son (Holding) Ltd
Dates in business: 1968-1970

Type of business: Department store retailers

Type of company: Public limited liability company 1923

  • 13-14 Milsom Street, Bath, Somerset, England
  • , Deal, Kent, England
  • 26 High Street, Margate, Kent, England

Company history

In 1968 Jolly & Son (Holdings) Ltd was formed as a holding company for the group, Jolly & Sons Ltd, with a capital of £150,000. In 1963 purpose-built auction rooms were opened in New King Street and a local transport company, Bath Parcels Services Ltd acquired. In early 1964 the group also purchased The Commercial Garage in order to service the store's growing vehicular fleet. In May 1965 a new restaurant was opened at the Bath store. In 1970 E. Dingle & Co Ltd of Plymouth acquired Jolly & Son (Holdings) Ltd and was itself taken over by House of Fraser in 1971.

In 1972 the front portion of the store was redeveloped in a manner which preserved the traditional style of the store whilst also attracting younger customers, expanding for example, the perfumery and hosiery departments. In 1973 a food hall and coffee bar opened in the basement. In 1975 the Bath premises of Cavendish House of Cheltenham, which were also owned by House of Fraser allowed the opening of several new departments. Subsequently activities outside the mainstream retail business were disposed of with the sale of the auction rooms in 1976 and of the estate agency in 1980. Jollys was partially refurbished in 1985 and 1987, in a manner which matched modern shop fittings with the store's traditional architecture.

Records held for Jolly & Son (Holding) Ltd:

FRAS 1186
Title: Articles of Association
Date: 1968

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Jolly & Sons Ltd
Dates of connection: 1903
Connection type: In 1968 Jolly & Son (Holdings) Ltd was formed as a holding company for the group, Jolly & Sons Ltd.
Corporation name: Jolly & Co
Dates of connection: 1968
Connection type: In 1903 Jolly and his son, Paul, sold Jolly & Son to a private limited company, Jolly & Son, Bath, Ltd, whilst retaining the majority of the shares.
Corporation name: E Dingle & Co
Dates of connection: 1970
Connection type: In 1970 E. Dingle & Co Ltd of Plymouth acquired Jolly & Son (Holdings) Ltd.
Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1971
Connection type: In 1971 E. Dingle & Co Ltd which had acquired Jolly & Son (Holding) Ltd in 1968 was taken over by House of Fraser.

Access points: Department stores - Retail trade

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