Title: Funeral journal (no 15)
Date: November 1906-July
Reference: FRAS
Former reference: HF 57/3/4/2/3 HF 93/4/5
Physical description: 1 volume
Wylie & Lochhead
Scope and content:
This journal contains financial details of the funerals which had already been paid for at the date of posting from the funeral order books.
Additional information:
Financial details of funerals which had already been paid for were posted from the funeral order books (ref: FRAS 42) to this journal. In the margin next to each entry in the journal is a reference (comprising volume and folio number) to the corresponding entry in the order books.
At the end of each month, total amounts of payments received that month were posted from this journal to a second series of funeral journals (ref: FRAS 252). The volume and page number of the journal to which the amount was posted is recorded next to the total amount.
Record type: Journals
Function: Financial management
Records related to this series:
Title: Funeral order books
Date: 1906-1928
Reference: FRAS 42/67-84
Wylie & Lochhead Ltd
Connection: Details of funerals which had already been paid for were posted to the journal
from these order books.
Title: Funeral journals
Date: 1906-1928
Reference: FRAS 252/2-8
Wylie & Lochhead Ltd
Connection: Total amounts for each month were posted from the journal to these funeral