Record: Provident Fund papers (FRAS 601)

Title: Provident Fund papers
Date: 1912-1920
Reference: FRAS 601
Former reference: HF 6/17/16-17  
Physical description: 2 folders  
Origination Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd

Additional information:

The Provident Fund provided for sick employees.

Record type: Provident socities


Records held within this series:

Title: Provident Fund papers
Date: 1912-1920
Reference: FRAS 601/1
Former reference: HF 6/17/17  
Physical description: 1 folder  
Origination Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd

These papers were found loose inside the volume of agendas for the meetings of the trustees of the Provident Fund (FRAS 597).

Records linked to this file:

Title: Agendas for meetings of trustees of Provident Fund
Date: 1914-1919
Reference: FRAS 597
Company: Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd    

Title: Provident Fund papers
Date: 1919-1920
Reference: FRAS 601/2
Former reference: HF 6/17/16  
Physical description: 1 folder  
Origination Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd

These papers were found loose inside the volume of minutes of the meetings of the trustees of the Provident Fund (FRAS 596).

Records linked to this file:

Title: Minutes of meetings of trustees of Provident Fund
Date: 1916-1920
Reference: FRAS 596
Company: Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd    

Records related to this series:

Title: Agendas for meetings of trustees of Provident Fund
Date: 1914-1919
Reference: FRAS 597
Company: Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd    

Title: Minutes of meetings of trustees of Provident Fund
Date: 1916-1920
Reference: FRAS 596
Company: Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd    

Title: Minutes of meetings of trustees of Provident Fund
Date: 1914-1975
Reference: FRAS 552
Company: Army & Navy Auxiliary Co-operative Supply Ltd    

Title: Provident Fund rules
Date: 1948
Reference: FRAS 606
Company: Army & Navy Stores Ltd    

Title: Minutes of meetings of committee of management of Provident Fund
Date: 1951-1975
Reference: FRAS 607
Company: Army & Navy Stores Ltd    

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