Company: Henry Binns

Company name: Henry Binns
Dates in business: 1836-1865

Type of business: drapers

Type of company: Sole trader

  • Sunderland, England

Company history

In 1836, George Binns, the owner of a drapery shop at 176 High Street, Bishop's Wearmouth, Sunderland, England, died and was succeeded by his son Henry. The shop thereafter traded as Henry Binns. Henry was an active member of the anti-slavery lobby and instituted a policy of only selling goods manufactured from cotton warranted to be grown by free labour. In 1844, the shop moved to new premises at 173 High Street. In 1865, Henry retired and control of the business passed to his son, Joseph John. The business thereafter traded as H Binns, Son & Co.

Records held for Henry Binns:

FRAS 418/1
Title: Prints of advertisement by Henry Binns for cotton goods manufactured without slave labour
Date: c 1850s

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: George Binns
Dates of connection: 1836
Connection type: Before 1836, the business traded as George Binns.
Corporation name: H Binns, Son & Co
Dates of connection: 1865
Connection type: After 1865, the business traded as H Binns, Son & Co.

Access points: Drapers - Retail trade

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