Company: H & W Harkess Ltd House of Fraser (Five) Ltd

Registration number: SC024407

Company name: H & W Harkess Ltd
Dates in business: 1946-1987

Company name: House of Fraser (Five) Ltd
Dates in business: 1987-1988

Type of business: funeral undertakers

Type of company: Limited liability company

  • West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland

Management of company

The first directors of the company were George Learmonth Harkess, Colin Reid Harkess, Harry Archibald Stewart and Thomas Andrew Aitchison. George Harkess was the chairman, George Harkess and Colin Harkess were joint managing directors and J.A. Aitchison was the secretary.

Company history

H & W Harkess Ltd, funeral undertakers, was incorporated in August 1946 with its registered office at 10 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh. In the 1960s, it acquired John Croall & Sons (Funeral Directors) Ltd, of Edinburgh. In June 1978, Harkess was acquired by Wylie & Lochhead (Funerals) Ltd, a company owned by House of Fraser Ltd. In January 1980, it ceased trading and its business and assets were transferred to Wylie & Lochhead (Funerals) Ltd. In June 1987, the name of the company was changed to House of Fraser (Five) Ltd and the company's registered office was changed to 69 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. The company was dissolved in July 1988.

Records held for H & W Harkess Ltd:

FRAS 885
Title: Minutes of meetings of board of directors and general meetings of shareholders
Date: 1946-1988
FRAS 886
Title: Combined register
Date: 1947-1986
FRAS 887/11-13
Title: Funeral order books
Date: 1946-1958
FRAS 891
Title: Blank customer invoice
Date: c 1940s

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Hugh Harkess
Dates of connection: 1946
Connection type: In 1946, Hugh Harkess joined William Harkess to form H & W Harkess Ltd.
Corporation name: William Harkess
Dates of connection: 1946
Connection type: In 1946, William Harkess joined Hugh Harkess to form H & W Harkess Ltd.
Corporation name: John Croall & Sons (Funeral Directors) Ltd
Dates of connection: 1960s
Connection type: H & W Harkess Ltd acquired John Croall & Sons (Funeral Directors) Ltd in the 1960s.
Corporation name: Wylie & Lochhead (Funerals) Ltd
Dates of connection: 1978
Connection type: Wylie & Lochhead (Funerals) Ltd acquired H & W Harkess in 1978.
Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1978
Connection type: H & W Harkess Ltd was acquired by House of Fraser Ltd in 1978.

Access points: Undertakers

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