Company: Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co

Company name: Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co
Dates in business: c 1840s-1874

Type of business: drapers

Type of company: Partnership

  • Trongate, Glasgow, Scotland

Company history

Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co opened a drapery store in Trongate, Glasgow in the late 1840s. In the 1850s the partners opened larger premises at 97 and 99 Trongate. The partnership was dissolved c 1874. A new partnership, James Daly, Son & Niven was formed to continue the business.

Records held for Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co:

FRAS 771/1
Title: Exhibition board on history of Dalys
Date: c 1970s
The board has photographs of two trade cards of Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co from the late 1840s and 1850s.

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: James Daly, Son & Niven
Dates of connection: c 1874
Connection type: Daly, Spence, Buchanan & Co was dissolved c 1874 and replaced by James Daly, Son & Niven.

Access points: Drapers - Retail trade

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