Company: Paulin & Dunbar

Company name: Paulin & Dunbar
Dates in business: c 1882-1905

Type of business: funeral undertakers and carriage hirers

Type of company: Partnership

  • Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Dalry Road, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Newport Street, Edinburgh, Scotland

Company history

Paulin & Dunbar, funeral undertakers and carriage hirers, of Edinburgh, Scotland, was established by 1882. Its head office was in Morrison Street, Edinburgh. It had branch offices in Montrose Terrace and Dalry Road and stables in Newport Street.

By 1905, the company had been incorporated as W T Dunbar & Sons Ltd.

Records held for Paulin & Dunbar:

FRAS 906/1-4
Title: Head office funeral day books
Date: 1882-1905
FRAS 919/1
Title: Montrose Terrace branch office funeral day books
Date: 1892-1905
FRAS 918/1
Title: Index to Montrose Terrace branch office funeral day books
Date: 1902-1905
FRAS 925/1
Title: Customer invoice
Date: 1901
FRAS 915
Title: Funeral cash book
Date: 1882-1889
FRAS 914
Title: Receipts from cemetery companies for purchase of cemetery grounds
Date: 1881-1902
FRAS 923/1-3
Title: Funeral ledgers
Date: 1882-1905
FRAS 917/1-2
Title: Indexes to funeral ledgers
Date: 1882-1905
FRAS 910/1
Title: Cemetery ground title deeds book
Date: 1889-1905
FRAS 911
Title: Printed regulations for Edinburgh cemeteries
Date: 1897

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: W T Dunbar & Sons Ltd
Dates of connection: before 1905
Connection type: Paulin & Dunbar was incorporated as W T Dunbar & Sons Ltd by 1905.

Access points: Undertakers - Vehicle hirers

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