Company: Barker's Management Shares Trust

Company name: Barker's Management Shares Trust
Dates in business: 1950-c 1971

Type of business: employee investment trust

  • London, England

Company history

Barker's Management Shares Trust, an employee investment trust, was formed in 1950 in London, England. It was one of two parallel organisations whose object was the provision of income to augment the salaries of the employees of John Barker & Co Ltd, department store retailers, of Kensington, London, and its subsidiary companies. The parallel organisation was Barker's Fixed Management Shares Association Ltd. In August 1957, John Barker & Co Ltd together with Barker's Management Shares Trust were acquired by House of Fraser Ltd, department store retailers, of Glasgow, Scotland. Barker's Management Shares Trust continued to exist until at least 1971.

Records held for Barker's Management Shares Trust:

FRAS 227
Title: Minutes of meetings of trustees
Date: 1955-1957
FRAS 228
Title: Cash book and ledger
Date: 1950-1971

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: John Barker & Co Ltd
Dates of connection: 1950
Connection type: Barker's Management Shares Trust was formed in 1950 to augment the salaries of the employees of John Barker & Co Ltd and its subsidiaries.
Corporation name: Barker's Fixed Management Shares Association Ltd
Dates of connection: 1950
Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1957
Connection type: Barker's Management Shares Trust was acquired by House of Fraser Ltd in 1957.

Access points: Investment trusts

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