Company: House of Fraser (Six) Ltd

Registration number:

Company name: House of Fraser (Six) Ltd
Dates in business: 1987-1988

Type of business: Funeral Undertakers and Hirers

Type of company: Private limited liability company 1887

  • 83 Great Junction Street, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 90 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland

Company history

In 1970 McKenzie & Millar Ltd was bought by House of Fraser for £50,000. In 1987 the company's name changed to House of Fraser (Six) Ltd and its shares were transferred to Wylie and Lochhead. The company was liquidated in 1988.

Records held for House of Fraser (Six) Ltd:

FRAS 1196
Title: Minute books
Date: 1937-1988
FRAS 1199
Title: Register of Members
Date: 1937-1987

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: McKenzie & Millar Ltd
Dates of connection: 1987
Connection type: McKenzie & Millar Ltd became House of Fraser (Six) Ltd in 1987.
Corporation name: House of Fraser
Dates of connection: 1970
Connection type: In 1970 McKenzie & Millar Ltd was bought by House of Fraser for £50,000.
Corporation name: Wyllie & Lochhead (Funerals) Ltd
Dates of connection: 1987
Connection type: In 1987 the shares of House of Fraser (Six) Ltd were transferred to Wylie & Lochhead.

Access points: Undertakers - Vehicle hirers

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