Company: Copland & Lye Ltd

Company name: Copland & Lye Ltd
Dates in business: 1918-1975

Type of business: department store retailers

Type of company: Private limited company

  • Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Scotland

Company history

Copland & Lye Ltd was incorporated as a private limited company in 1918. The company traced its heritage to the partnership between William Copland and William Lye, agreed in 1873, to lease warehouse premises at 110-114 Cowcaddens, Glasgow.

By the 1920s, the company had a large department store in Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. During the spring of 1938, a Viyella concession shop was installed in the Sauchiehall Street store.

In 1971, House of Fraser Ltd acquired the Sauchiehall Street premises, where the company had ceased to trade. In 1975, Copland & Lye Ltd was dissolved

Records held for Copland & Lye Ltd:

FRAS 281
Title: Staff guidelines concerning customer service
Date: c 1910
FRAS 784
Title: Programme for fashion show, Scottish Industries Exhibition
Date: 1959

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1971
Connection type: House of Fraser Ltd acquired the site of the Copland & Lye store in 1971.

Access points: Department stores - Retail trade

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