Company: Strang & McLagan

Company name: Strang & McLagan
Dates in business: c 1895-1964

Type of business: funeral undertakers, motor hirers and furnishers

Type of company: Partnership

  • High Street, Perth, Scotland
  • Atholl Street, Perth, Scotland

Company history

Strang & McLagan, funeral undertakers, motor hirers and furnishers, had premises at 210 High Street, Perth and 20 Atholl Street, Perth. It was incorporated as Strang & McLagan Ltd in June 1964.

Records held for Strang & McLagan:

FRAS 489
Title: Joinery ledger
Date: 1895-1917
FRAS 879
Title: Joinery and motor hire ledger
Date: 1897-1923
Funeral ledgers
Title: FRAS 878
Date: 1897-1964
FRAS 880
Title: Motor hire ledger
Date: 1943-1964
FRAS 881
Title: Funeral trades ledger
Date: 1945-1964
FRAS 877
Title: Journals
Date: 1953-1961
FRAS 883
Title: Funeral cash book
Date: 1927-1964
FRAS 884
Title: Motor hire order book
Date: 1953-1962
FRAS 892
Title: Customer invoices
Date: 1910s-1930s

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Strang & McLagan Ltd
Dates of connection: 1964
Connection type: Strang & McLagan was incorporated as Strang & McLagan Ltd in 1964.

Access points: Furnishers - Undertakers - Vehicle hirers

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