Company: Carswell (The Modern Man's Shop) Ltd

Company name: Carswell (The Modern Man's Shop) Ltd
Dates in business: 1940-1968

Type of business: gentlemen's outfitters

  • Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Scotland

Company history

Carswell (The Modern Man's Shop) Ltd was establised in 1940. It was a gentlemen's outfitters with outlets at 118-120 Union Street and 401 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Scotland. It was acquired by House of Fraser Ltd, department store retailers, of Glasgow, in April 1957. The company was wound up around 1968.

Records held for Carswell (The Modern Man's Shop) Ltd:

FRAS 218
Title: General ledgers
Date: 1940-1968
FRAS 219
Title: Journal
Date: 1957-1968
FRAS 220
Title: Journal
Date: 1957-1968

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: House of Fraser Ltd
Dates of connection: 1957-1968
Connection type: House of Fraser acquired Carswell (The Modern Man's Shop) Ltd in 1957.

Access points: Outfitters - Retail trade

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