Dates: 1871-1981
Biographical history
Members of the board of directors were either appointed by the board itself or
the society at the annual general meeting. Each year, two directors had to
retire from the board by rotation. Replacements were appointed by the society at
the annual general meeting. Every retiring director was eligible for
re-election. If a vacancy occurred through death or resignation, the board had
the power to appoint a new director itself. This director remained in office
until the next annual general meeting.
When the society was first established, the board met at least once a fortnight
and subcommittees met at least once a week. From 1914, the board met as often as
it thought fit. A meeting of the board could be convened at any time by any two
directors or the secretary, at the request of a director. The directors had the
power to elect a chairman and determine his period of office. When the society
was established, the quorum necessary for the transaction of business by the
board was three. For subcommittees it was two. From 1947, the quorum of the
board was changed to two. Questions arising at any meeting were decided by a
majority of votes of those present, with the chairman having a casting vote.
Questions arising at subcommittee meetings were also decided by a majority of
votes but, if the votes were equal, the matter was referred to the board of
Minutes of the meetings of the board of directors were recorded by the secretary.
The secretary also kept a register of of the directors' attendance at the
Executive committee management was an activity carried out to fulfil the function of governance.
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