Company: Isaac Benzie

Company name: Isaac Benzie
Dates in business: 1894-1922

Type of business: drapers

Type of company: Sole trader

  • George Street, Aberdeen, Scotland

Company history

In 1894, Isaac Benzie, who had served an apprenticeship in the general merchant's shop in the village of Oyne, established a shop of his own at 185 George Street, Aberdeen. He subsequently moved to bigger premises in Gallowgate, opened a hosiery factory at Concert Court and founded branches throughout Aberdeen. Benzie's two sons, Athol and Isaac, both served apprenticeships with the family business. In 1922, the business was incorporated as a limited liability company, Isaac Benzie Ltd.

Records held for Isaac Benzie:

FRAS 796
Title: Photocopy of mail order catalogue
Date: 1912

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Isaac Benzie Ltd
Dates of connection: 1922
Connection type: Isaac Benzie was inorporated as Isaac Benzie Ltd in 1922.

Access points: Drapers - Retail trade

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