Company: Arnott & Co

Company name: Arnott & Co
Dates in business: 1860-1891

Type of business: drapers

Type of company: Partnership

  • Jamaica Street, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Adam's Court Lane, Glasgow, Scotland

Management of company

Thomas Arnott was the main partner. In July 1883 he died, and his half brother, Sir John Arnott, a Dublin merchant, acquired his share in the business.

Company history

Arnott & Co, drapers, was established in September 1860 by Thomas Arnott, to assume control of the business of Arnott, Cannock & Co, which had just been dissolved. The company initially rented showrooms at 19 Jamaica Street, Glasgow. In 1864, Arnott obtained the title to the premises from the trustees of the City of Glasgow Bank, and greatly improved and extended the showrooms. By 1872, it was one of the largest retail businesses in Glasgow, selling such items as shawls, parasols and carpets as well as haberdashery. In 1874, new costume galleries were opened and premises were acquired in Adam's Court Lane, Glasgow. At the end of 1881, Arnott embarked on an extensive refurbishment programme. A new warehouse was opened in 1882 with counters selling perfume, lace and gloves. A new fancy goods department was also added.

In December 1891, Arnott & Co Ltd was incorporated as a private limited company.

Related People and Companies:

Corporation name: Arnott, Cannock & Co
Dates of connection: 1860
Connection type: Before 1860, Arnott & Co traded as Arnott, Cannock & Co.
Corporation name: Arnott & Co Ltd
Dates of connection: 1891
Connection type: Arnott & Co was incorporated as Arnott & Co Ltd in 1891.

Access points: Drapers - Retail trade

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